Happy March! I really enjoyed meeting with all the families to talk about your child's progress thus far. It was also fun to see many of you at the Winter Carnival! Here's some things going on in Room 24...
In Fundations, we have been talking about open and closed syllables. Closed syllables are words that have a short vowel and end in a consonant (example: cat). Open syllables are words that have a long vowel and no ending consonant (example go). The children have really enjoyed marking these types of words during dictation. I have also introduced some vowel teams (ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy) The children are just learning the sound that these teams of vowels make.
In Writer's Workshop, are finishing up our non-fiction unit. We had our author's celebration today. The children had a chance to go around and read each other's books. On Thursday, we will share our books with Mrs. Elrick's and Mrs. Pollock's class. The next unit of study is persuasive writing. For this unit the children will need to bring in a collection of things (7-8 small objects) Children in the past have brought matchbox cars, shells, shopkins, action figures... Just know that these collections will be kept in school a couple of weeks so please don't send in your child's favorite toys:) More information to come on this.
In math, we have taken a break from place value and are now learning about measurement. The children have really enjoyed using cubes, tiles and paper clips to measure an assortment of things. Next up, we will be measuring fish and tapes on the floor!
This week, we have also built an aquarium and terrarium. We will be having science day this Friday and next Friday to learn about the plants and critters that will go in each. For now they are empty and not too exciting but here is what they look like:)
Next week, we are fortunate enough to have David Biedrzycki as our visiting author. He will show us how he illustrates his books.
Makerspace...The children continue to make many creations with our March makerspace materials. This month we used playdough, cups, ink pads and stamps, and zig zag scissors. Here are a few photos..
After a long dreary winter and many stuffy noses, we are running low on tissues. If anyone could donate a box it would be greatly appreciated:)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me:)
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