Decemer has been quite the busy month! With all your help, we raised $90 to buy Brian his gifts for the holidays. We were able to get him a xbox 1 game, Celtics pj's and a Celtics sweatshirt, a couple books, a basketball, and a hat and mittens. Thanks you to all the families that donated! I greatly appreciate it! Here is a pcture of all Brian's presents.
The children also worked with Miss H last week writing letters of kindness to peers in the classroom (even the teachers got involved)! The letters came out so nice and the children were relly invested in the project. Here are some photos of them working hard on their writing.
We also had a chance to do an author study of Jan Brett books. We read many of her books such as The Mitten, The Hat, Trouble with Trolls, The Gingerbread Baby, The Wild Christmas Reindeer, Who's That Knocking on Christmas Eve. We then based many activities around mittens. Here is a photo of our bulletin board in the hallway. The children had to design their own mitten and then they did a fun art project of Hedgie the hedgehog (who Jan Brett included in many of her books). Ask your child what their favorite Jan Brett book was!
Now that December is here, so is the cold weather and snow. Please make sure to pack your child snow pants, boots, a hat and gloves so that they can play on the playground for recess. If they don't have these items, they will need to stay on the hard top.
In December, we typically wrap up a few topics in different content areas. Read below to find out more...
Math- In math, we have finished Topic 5 which focused on addition and subtraction. When we return we will begin Topic 6 which focuses on data collections. We will collect data, represent data and interpret it.
Writing- In writing, we have finished the personal narrative unit and will begin learning about non-fiction writing. Every year, the children really seem to enjoy this unit.
Reading- In reading we have worked hard learning what to do when you come to a tricky word. We have learned to look at the picture and say the first sound. We also spent a week reading non-fiction books and writing 2 facts that we learned. These are hanging in our classroom.
I hope all of your families have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!!!!