Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Homework Update

Yesterday a blue notice went home to kick off homework but... the information on the notice in the Book Envelope did not match the information on the blue notice I sent home!!!  I accidentally sent home the wrong notice in the Book Envelope.

Homework will look like this...

Monday-Math assignment (due Friday but can be brought back anytime during the week if your child finishes early)

Tuesday and Wednesday-  Read either Book Envelope books or do Raz-Kids

Thursday-Poem Notebook

Book Envelope

The book envelope will contain books which your child has previously read the week before during independent reading.  The books may have been from reading group or ones that your child selected because it interested them.  If any photocopied books come home in the envelope, you may keep them.  All other books should come back to school in the envelope on Friday.  Both the Book Envelope and Poem Notebook should be returned to school on Friday so we can start again the next week.

I hope this clarifies things....so sorry about the confusion!!!

If you have any other questions please feel free to email me at hherring@email.medfield.net

Heather :)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We had another great week in first grade!

Ask your child...

*  something they learned about fire prevention (we studied this all week).  Also pick a meeting spot in case of a house fire (if you don't already have one)

*  about our bus evacuation drill (in the rain:)

*  about picture day

*  about the new sounds (digraphs) we learned in Fundations.  Have your child say the letter names, the sound they make and the corresponding picture (sh /sh/ ship, ch /ch/chin, th /th/ thumb, wh /wh/ whistle, ck /ck sock)

*  about Writer's Workshop.  The children have been working on planning out stories across 3 page booklets, sketching their ideas, and then goig back to write the words.  Also ask them what to do when they think they're finished (add to a story or start a new one)

*  what we have been learning in math...doubles (4+4, 5+5), near doubles (4+5, 5+6), and combos to 10

Reminders and Important Information  

Conference schedules
Hopefully everyone received an email and has signed up for a time and date to meet in November.  If not, please do so ASAP

Math Night
In Novemeber there will be a night to come and learn about math.  More information to come soon!!!

Halloween Parade
The Halloween parade will be on 10/30 at 9:30 in the morning.  We have changed the parade to the morning this year so that the half day Kindergarten can participate.

This is all for now!  Have a great week!