Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy almost winter vacation!

I want to thank all the families for donating to the Gift for Kids program.  We got Olivia so many presents that she wanted like Lego Friends, art supplies, books and games.  The children really seemed to enjoy this project and most of all they learned that the holidays are about family, friends, and giving so thank you!!

We have been busy in Room 24!  Ask your child about...

* basewords and suffixes in Fundations
* the books we have read in reading group this week
* how to use the sequence of events words (First, Next, Then, In the end) to retell a story
* the Jan Brett books we read and how there are many characteristics that are the same in her books
* the different versions of the gingerbread man and what was the same and different in each book
* the Jazz band concert
* working in the library on the Hour of Code project

We have also been talking about different math strategies that we can use to add and subtract.

We have used a part, part whole mat

We have used a tens frame to Make 10

We have used the number line too!

Other strategies we have talked about are using doubles, doubles plus 1 and doubles plus 2

I hope all of your families have a wonderful vacation and enjoy time to relax and spend time with your family!  Thank you for all your support this year!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at

Heather Herring

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dear Families,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to enjoy some time with family and friends. Thank you to all the families for meeting during our conferences.  It was so nice to sit down with you and tell you what a great job your child is doing in first grade!

I also wanted to thank any families who have donated to the Gifts for Kids program.  We are sponsoring a 7 year old little girl named Olivia.  Olivia has asked for a few toys and we have also brainstormed some other things we think she may like (hat, gloves, etc.).  Once all the shopping has been done, I will be looking for a parent to drop off the presents in Walpole.  More to come on this...

Here are some of the things we are working on in the classroom....

This week, we will be reading books by Jan Brett and doing some center activities that will involve the theme of mittens.

We have also started a new unit in Fundations.  We have started learning about basewords and suffixes (example: cat/cats).  We have learned that adding s to a word makes the word plural.  We have also learned that s can have the sound of /s/ or /z/ such as in pens or bugs.

In math, we continue to practice adding to 10 and 20 using strategies such as a number line, doubles (6+6), near doubles (6+7) and making ten using a tens frame. In the next unit, we will begin to focus on subtraction facts to 20 and the different strategies that can be used.

In reading groups, we have and will continue to talk about comprehension and how to retell a story.  We will begin using a new friend called Braidy after the break:)  We also continue to write small moment stories in Writer's Workshop.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Homework Update

Yesterday a blue notice went home to kick off homework but... the information on the notice in the Book Envelope did not match the information on the blue notice I sent home!!!  I accidentally sent home the wrong notice in the Book Envelope.

Homework will look like this...

Monday-Math assignment (due Friday but can be brought back anytime during the week if your child finishes early)

Tuesday and Wednesday-  Read either Book Envelope books or do Raz-Kids

Thursday-Poem Notebook

Book Envelope

The book envelope will contain books which your child has previously read the week before during independent reading.  The books may have been from reading group or ones that your child selected because it interested them.  If any photocopied books come home in the envelope, you may keep them.  All other books should come back to school in the envelope on Friday.  Both the Book Envelope and Poem Notebook should be returned to school on Friday so we can start again the next week.

I hope this clarifies sorry about the confusion!!!

If you have any other questions please feel free to email me at

Heather :)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We had another great week in first grade!

Ask your child...

*  something they learned about fire prevention (we studied this all week).  Also pick a meeting spot in case of a house fire (if you don't already have one)

*  about our bus evacuation drill (in the rain:)

*  about picture day

*  about the new sounds (digraphs) we learned in Fundations.  Have your child say the letter names, the sound they make and the corresponding picture (sh /sh/ ship, ch /ch/chin, th /th/ thumb, wh /wh/ whistle, ck /ck sock)

*  about Writer's Workshop.  The children have been working on planning out stories across 3 page booklets, sketching their ideas, and then goig back to write the words.  Also ask them what to do when they think they're finished (add to a story or start a new one)

*  what we have been learning in math...doubles (4+4, 5+5), near doubles (4+5, 5+6), and combos to 10

Reminders and Important Information  

Conference schedules
Hopefully everyone received an email and has signed up for a time and date to meet in November.  If not, please do so ASAP

Math Night
In Novemeber there will be a night to come and learn about math.  More information to come soon!!!

Halloween Parade
The Halloween parade will be on 10/30 at 9:30 in the morning.  We have changed the parade to the morning this year so that the half day Kindergarten can participate.

This is all for now!  Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

We are up and running!!!!!!

First grade is up and running!  The children have been working hard the past couple of weeks learning new routines and making new friends.  Below you will find a bit about what we have been doing in the classroom.

In Fundations, we have learned all the letters, corresponding sounds and pictures (a-apple /a/).  We are now learning to tap out CVC (consonant-vowel-consonat) words on our fingers.  Ask your child to show you how to tap these words out:  map, lip, rug, set
We are also using our tapping for spelling.

In math, we have worked hard to add and subtract to 10.  We have worked with word problems and missing addends.  The children really seem to enjoy watching the video which teaches the main concept of the lesson.  Ask them about the funny robot in the beginning!

In writing, we have started writing small moment stories across pages of a booklet. In the next week, I will be sending home a note asking families to generate a list of topics that your child can write about during Writer's Workshop.

We also have started reading groups and introduced centers.  The children have done a great job independently transitioning throughout their centers and also reading with me in group.  Ask your child to tell you about a story they have read with me!


*  A quick note to let you know that from time to time your child will be coming home with unfinished math pages.  Don't be alarmed if this happens!  It doesn't mean your child didn't complete the assigned work.  This is because I have selected problems for them to work on which pertain to the skill being taught.  Our new program comes with many opportunities to have children practice.  If you do see a math page with unfinished work, feel free to work with your child on the incomplete problems, but don't feel you have to.

*  Homework-Homework will officially start the first week of November.  The first grade team is still in the process of deciding what this will look like.  For now,  I will start sending home Poem notebooks on Thursday nights (please return these on Friday) and Book Envelopes on Mondays (please return them by the end of the week-most families read a book a night, but do what works best for you.  You can always read the same book each night if it's easier!)

That is all for now!  Next post, I hope to have some pictures of my hard workers that I can share with you!


Monday, August 31, 2015

Welcome to First Grade!!!

Welcome first graders! 

I'm so excited to see you on Wednesday!  Today was MY first day of school.  I had a lot of meetings and worked hard to get the classroom ready for your first day.  We are going to have fun on Wednesday.  When you get off the bus, there will be teachers to help you get to our classroom.  Don't worry about the bus or the first day because I will help you with everything:). I labeled all your cubbies, and put name tags at your seats.  I will even come to lunch with you:)

Enjoy your last day of summer vacation tomorrow and I'll see you on Wednesday!!!

Mrs. Herring:)